Of course, potentially traumatic events, such as falls, accidents, sports activities and exercise expose people to risks of developing problematic subluxations. But almost any activity, like housework, deskwork and even sleeping can produce subluxations of the spine. In children, subluxation can initially occur during the birth process, learning to walk and during play.
Much like tooth decay, most people will have a subluxation long before they notice any symptoms. Treatments in our office can help reduce and eliminate problem-causing subluxations with specific chiropractic adjustments. If the subluxations have been present only a short time, you may need only a few treatments to alleviate the problem. However, long-term, chronic subluxations will require more frequent adjustments to retrain the problem areas of the spine to hold the vertebrae in their normal, healthy positions. As subluxations are corrected, your nervous system starts to function properly again and your body heals itself.